Don't miss an update!All abstract submission and notification process emails will be sent from Add this address to your safe sender list or address book to ensure you receive all communications. The submitter will receive an email during step 1 of the submission process and when your submission is complete. Invitation emails are sent to the presenting author only. It is your responsibility to contact the Alzheimer's Association at if you do not receive the system-generated emails. |
General deadline: January 31, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. EST
ISTAART member deadline: February 4, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. EST (Click here to learn more or join ISTAART.)
Date | Event |
November 1, 2021 | Submission site opens |
January 31, 2022 | Abstract submission site closes (general deadline) - AAIC, AIC, Technology and Dementia |
February 4, 2022 | Abstract submission site closes (extended ISTAART member deadline) - AAIC, AIC, Technology and Dementia |
April 8, 2022 | Abstract notifications sent via email |
April 8, 2022 | Responses due from invited presenting authors |
April 11, 2022 | Developing Topics abstract submission site opens |
April 25, 2022 | Developing Topics abstract submission site closes |
July 30 - August 4, 2022 | Alzheimer's Association International Conference |
Prepare your abstract with help from these free upcoming webinars, presented by ISTAART.
ISTAART Guide to AAIC 2022: Featured Research Sessions
The Alzheimer's Association hosted an ISTAART Guide to.. AAIC 2022: Featured Research Sessions, on December 8. Click HERE to view the recording. Of note, you must login to view the recording. If you do not have an account, it is free to sign-up.
ISTAART Guide to AAIC 2022: Abstracts
The Alzheimer's Association hosted an ISTAART Guide to AAIC 2022:Abstracts on January 4. Click here to view the recording (password: %#I4.9qN).
ISTAART Small Group Feedback Sessions: AAIC 2022 Abstracts
Jan. 18, 2022
Following the ISTAART Guide to AAIC 2022: Abstracts webinar, these
Individual abstract submissions provide an opportunity for presenting authors to share and discuss designs, data and analysis with AAIC attendees. The following abstract types are eligible for submission to AAIC:
“Published” refers to publication in a journal as a full article or conference abstract, or publication on a preprint server, while “Presented” refers to presentation at a regional, national or international conference. If your abstract is currently under review, please select the category your abstract meets at the time of submission then email to change category upon publication.
Individual abstracts can be submitted for consideration for an oral and/or a poster presentation, with original, update, and encore abstracts all eligible for oral or poster presentations. Abstracts first undergo peer review that considers the quality of and interest in the abstract. Then, informed by the peer review scores, the Scientific Program Committee selects certain abstracts for oral presentations.
The presenting author of an abstract may attend either in-person or virtually for either oral or poster presentations.
The list of what to prepare and gather prior to initiating your abstract submission includes the following:
The submitter is required to submit the following information for all authors
In addition, the presenting author must also provide their
Featured Research Sessions (FRS) debut and discuss innovative and impactful research findings, drawing together multiple studies that share a common focus. They can be curated by the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) from individual abstracts or submitted as an entire session.
Submitted FRS undergo peer review, with a limited number of proposals selected for inclusion within the AAIC program. First, peer reviewers consider the interest in and impact of the session as a whole, as well as each abstract individually. Then, in order to decide whether to accept a session, the Executive SPC considers the overall peer review score and the balance both within and across sessions with regard to research focus and demographics
If an FRS is not accepted, abstracts are automatically considered by the SPC for an oral or poster presentation. There is no need to submit an abstract twice.
Perspectives Sessions provide both an expert review of recent advances and propose a road-map for the future, incorporating multiple viewpoints to stimulate original discussion and debate. Perspectives sessions should interest and engage the core audience of the field being discussed, and also offer an entryway for attendees from other fields. Perspectives sessions can be invited by the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) or submitted as an entire session.
Submitted Perspectives Sessions undergo peer review, with a limited number of proposals selected for inclusion within the AAIC program. First, peer reviewers consider the interest in and impact of the session as a whole, as well as each abstract individually. In order to decide whether to accept a Perspectives Session, the Executive SPC considers the overall peer review score and the balance both within and across sessions with regard to research focus and demographics.
If a Perspectives Session is not accepted, abstracts are automatically considered by the SPC for an oral or poster presentation. There is no need to submit an abstract twice.
New for AAIC 2025, AAIC Clinical Toolbox sessions. These educational sessions are designed to enhance clinical knowledge, foster collaboration across disciplines and ensure that participants are informed of the latest advancements and best practices within their field. This initiative seeks to provide a holistic view of patient care, incorporating expertise across a range of clinical specialties including geriatricians, neurologists, neuropsychologists, nurses, primary care physicians and psychiatrists.
Submitted Clinical Toolbox Sessions undergo peer review, with a limited number of proposals selected for inclusion within the AAIC program. First, peer reviewers consider the interest in and impact of the session as a whole, as well as each abstract individually. In order to decide whether to accept a Clinical Toolbox Session, the Executive SPC considers the overall peer review score and the balance both within and across sessions with regard to research focus and demographics.
The session organizer is responsible for identifying, confirming and entering the session participants (chairs and presenting authors), initiating the session submission, entering overview information, and communicating with the presenting authors to ensure they personally enter their abstract details by the deadline.
Each presenting author added to the proposal by the session submitter will immediately receive an email with a direct link to personally complete their abstract submission. It is the session submitter's responsibility to ensure that all the presenting authors fully enter their abstract details by the deadline.
When confirming the presenting authors, please remind them that only a select number of proposals will be accepted as sessions and that all presenting authors are required to pay for full conference registration and all travel costs if attending in-person. Presenting authors are able to apply for an AAIC Conference Fellowship during the submission process.
The list of what to prepare and gather prior to initiating your session proposal includes the following:
Presenting Authors
As the organizer/submitter enters each speaker's name, email and presentation title, an email will be generated to the presenting author. The email will include a direct link to complete their abstract submission.
Upon receipt of the emails, individual presenting authors must enter their abstracts. Guidance for submission of abstracts is provided above.
It is the session submitter's responsibility to ensure that all the presenting authors fully enter their abstract details by the deadline. Check the status of your session
Age and registration requirements
Oral and abstract presentations
Publication of abstracts in Alzheimer’s and Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association
Presenting authors must be 18 years of age at the time of the conference.
Conference registration is not mandatory at the time of submission. However, it is a requirement that all chairs and presenting authors of an oral or poster presentation must register in full in time for the conference. Registration information will be available in March.
Each abstract must have one presenting author, and an unlimited number of co-authors.
What are the roles that might be associated with my abstract or session proposal?
Presenting Author: The individual assigned to present the abstract either onsite or virtual.
Co-Author: Co-authors were entered by the submitter during the abstract submission process. Co-authors do not present unless they are identified as the presenting author.
Session Chair: Two session chairs must be identified for each session.
Yes. A presenting author may submit any number of abstracts. However, there is a limit to how many oral presentations can be made (see below).
Yes. If the abstract provides updates on designs, data or analyses that have been published or presented prior to AAIC, please select the Update category. If the abstract will be published verbatim prior to AAIC, please select the Encore category. Please note, encore abstracts will not be published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia.
Click here to view AAIC Themes, Topics and Subtopics.
One new subtopic for AAIC 2025 is "Case Study" within each theme/topic. Case studies present findings on a single individual and provide scientific considerations based on the case for the audience. They may describe a rare or unique clinical presentation, novel empirically-based course of treatment or treatment response, or instance when the outcome of a case did or did not fit with the current research literature.
You may make edits to your submitted proposal through the submission deadline. Access your in-progress or submitted proposal by logging in (top right corner of this screen). It is your responsibility to confirm that your abstract is correctly submitted and is received by the submission deadline.
No - the abstract will be reproduced exactly as submitted. Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical, or scientific errors.
AAIC accepts "late breaking" or "developing topic" abstract and session submissions in the spring. Only abstracts/sessions in which the research findings were not ready/complete/available to be submitted during our regular abstracts submission deadline in January should be submitted via the Developing Topics submission process. Abstracts/sessions that were submitted during the regular submission process but were rejected should not be resubmitted in Developing Topics. Click here for more information on Developing Topics.
If one or more authors in a session is an ISTAART member, all submitting authors will benefit from the extended ISTAART deadline. For an abstract, the named author who is submitting the abstract should be an ISTAART member to take advantage of the extension.
Notifications will be sent to presenting authors by the end of March.
If a submitted Featured Research Session and Perspectives Session is not accepted, abstracts are automatically considered for an oral or poster presentation. There is no need to submit an abstract twice.
Notifications will be sent to presenting authors by the end of March.
Presenting authors are able to apply for an AAIC Conference Fellowship during the main abstract submission process.
At AAIC, presenting authors are limited to one oral presentation across plenary, perspectives, and featured research sessions. If a presenting author is selected for two oral presentations, they will be asked to transfer one presentation to a co-author. An exception is made to allow an individual to present two AAIC oral presentations if one is a Developing Topics session (i.e. late breaking abstracts submitted in the spring). Oral presentations in preconferences are not considered.
At AIC preconference, presenting authors are limited to one oral presentation.
At Technology and Dementia preconference, presenting authors are limited to one oral presentation.
Yes. If both abstracts are accepted for oral presentations though, you will be asked to transfer one presentation to a co-author.
No, there is no limit.
Presentation invitations will include the date and time of your poster presentation(s). In very limited cases, the Association will be able to accommodate requests to change the presentation date by April 30. Requests received after may not be accommodated.
The Association will be able to accommodate requests to change the presentation format by April 30. Requests received after may not be accommodated.
More information and AAIC poster template (optional) can be found in your personalized Speaker’s Corner, which will be provided in your acceptance email.
Instructions for virtual poster presentations will be emailed to presenters by the end of June 2025.
You may make edits to your submitted proposal through the submission deadline. Access your in-progress or submitted proposal through the abstract portal. It is your responsibility to confirm that your abstract is correctly submitted and is received by the submission deadline.
If the identified presenting author becomes unable to present, a co-author may present (as long as they are not scheduled to present in another oral presentation). If none of the authors on the abstracts can present, the abstract must be withdrawn. Depending on our publication deadlines, we may be unable to remove your abstract from print materials and publications.
You can withdraw your abstract submission at any time. To withdraw an accepted abstract, you must email and confirm a response. Depending on our publication deadlines, we may be unable to remove your abstract from print materials and publications.
No. These review processes are independent. The thresholds for acceptance between conference abstracts and journal manuscripts are very different.
Abstracts will be published in an online supplement to Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association at the end of the calendar year following AAIC.
Abstracts are published in an online supplement to Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. Click here to view the abstract archive.
Once published, a formal request for withdrawing your abstract will have to be sent to Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.
The abstracts will be available online — to registered AAIC attendees only — approximately one month prior to the conference.
Public and news announcements made in advance of AAIC that a scientist or company is scheduled to make a presentation of AAIC may include the date, time, location and topic of presentation, but may not include the methods, results and/or the type or direction of results, even if that is included in the name/title of the submitted abstract. For that reason, authors are discouraged from putting the type and/or direction of results in the abstract title.
Accepted abstracts become the property of the Alzheimer's Association. Ownership of submitted abstracts not accepted for presentation reverts to the author.
If accepted for presentation, abstracts will be published in an online supplement to Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. Additionally, the Alzheimer's Association reserves the right to provide abstracts to conference registrants and the public via online modalities, a mobile application and any other modalities they wish. In those formats, the abstracts become the property of the Association, along with the PowerPoint slides or handout material.
AAIC is an exceptional global platform for the reporting of new developments and findings in all types of Alzheimer’s disease/dementia research. From among the wide variety of materials invited and submitted to AAIC, the Alzheimer’s Association chooses individual abstracts and multi-abstract trends to proactively present to journalists -- through story pitches, news releases, news briefings, audio and video segments, graphic elements and expert/spokesperson interviews -- all of which are part of the conference’s news program.
If you are interested in having the research you present at AAIC eligible for inclusion in AAIC news stories, news releases, news conferences and other news media materials, it must not be published (online or hard copy) or presented, in whole or in part, in any manner, prior to presentation at AAIC.
Please submit the abstract to the AAIC, and select “I would also like to submit this abstract to a preconference. I understand that preconferences take place in-person only on Saturday, July 26 and require an additional registration fee to AAIC.” during the submission process.
Abstracts will be considered for both AAIC and the preconference.
What happens if my abstract is accepted?
You will receive an email from by the end of March, 2025 regarding your abstract acceptance. There will be a link within that email to your personalized Speaker’s Corner link. Bookmark this link. You can refer to this link to view your abstract format (poster or podium presentation), presentation day/time, presentation instructions and templates, etc.
Topic | Phone | |
General conference and abstract questions | | +1.312.335.5897 Hours: 9am - 5pm Central Time, Monday-Friday |
Technical Support (log in issues, technical entry issues) | Tech Support | 1.401.334.0220 Hours: 8:30am - 6pm Eastern Time, Monday-Friday |
Please view all sections of this site prior to contacting the Association or Technical Support. |